Make Sure Your Child Has Financial Support

Make Sure Your Child Has Financial Support

Hire our child support attorneys in Chicago, IL

Every child deserves a safe, comfortable and stable living environment. Divorce can cause major disruptions to a child's life, especially when a single parent's income isn't enough to provide for them. If you're worried about financially supporting your child in the aftermath of a divorce, get in touch with the Law Office of Joel Kessler. Our child support attorneys can help you understand your options and advocate for a plan that protects your child.

Call us today to speak with a dedicated child support attorney in Chicago, IL.

What factors affect child support?

There are a lot of details that go into determining child support payments. Some of these details include...

  • Number of children
  • Child health care costs
  • Income of both parents
  • Work-related child care costs
  • Whether one parent is paying alimony to the other parent

Our child support attorneys can help you gather and organize any documents required for your case. Connect with us today to learn more about our child support services.